
8525 N 132nd Drive El Mirage, AZ, 85335


Mon. – Fri. 7AM to 4PM

Water Truck, Street Sweeper & Construction Services

Serving the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area

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Water Truck & Street Sweeping Services

Agua Trucks provides several construction services, water trucks for dust control and flushing streets, street sweeping for SWPPP and site cleanup. Water trucks and tractors for rip berm soak. Water trailer rental. Dump trucks and skid steers for construction cleanup/maintenance (SWPP / BMP). We do commercial construction, home builders, new home construction, commercial properties, and homeowner associations.

Some services are not limited just to construction. Our water truck service has delivered water for swimming pool filling, community events, dunk tanks, TV Commercials and other commercial applications.

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We Have Been Doing Dust Control a Long Time

Cities and towns have been controlling dust a lot longer than most people realize. There was a time when every road was dirt and had a lot of foot and hoof traffic. Long before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), people didn’t like breathing the dust kicked up by people and horses walking thru town. A solution was needed.

Water wagons, which at the time were called sprinkler wagons, started wetting down traffic areas in the 1860’s. Horse drawn and made by companies such as Studebaker they were in use well into the 1920’s. They came in different sizes and could have a 2 or 4 horse team pulling them.

Our reproduction sprinkler wagon has a running gear that is over 100 years old. We used a 1904 Studebaker catalog to duplicate a tank option that was made to fit on a ranch wagon. While you won’t see it spraying down your job site, you may see it in parades or trade shows.

Associations & Certifications

NAPSA: North American Power Sweeping Company Logo Napsa Certified Sweeping Company Logo 1-800-Sweeper Logo HBACA Logo Sweeper School Logo Best Companies 2022 Logo Best Companies 2023 Logo Best Companies 2024 Logo

Water Truck & Street Sweeping Services

Water Truck, Street Sweeper & Construction Services - Agua Trucks provides water truck services, street sweeping service, construction clean up and site maintenance, SWPPP / BMP services for commercial construction, home builders, commercial properties industrial properties and homeowner associations.

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